Saturday, December 14, 2013

Flat6 2013 World Cup skinpack has been released!

You just read correctly fellow simracer, I have released Flat6 2013 World Cup Skinpack for Flat6 mod by EnduRacers.

Before you download this skinpack, I must note some things up before you start complaining.
- There are missing various logos from skins.
- Missing #16 Sebastien Ogier vehicle, because it's hard to make it for me.
- Skins won't shine like on my screenshots posted before, because I've modified Flat6 for personal use.
- Lastly, I wish you happy day with this skinpack


Friday, November 29, 2013

Progress so far of Flat6 2013 World Cup skinpack!

There are few skins left to do, but most of them are finished.

Below you can see work so far:

Note - Missing cars from this skinpack:
#7 - Esteban Gini ( MRS GT-Racing )
#16 - Sebastien Ogier ( Team allyouneed by project 1 )
#18 - Jeroen Mul ( Team Bleekemolen )
#30 - Zaid Ashkanani ( GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East )
#31 - Antonia Giancola ( GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East )
#32 - Hannes Waimer ( GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East )

+ Some logos from various skins are also missing, because couldn't find them. I will released this skinpack, when I have finished those missing cars aswell.

Monday, November 25, 2013

WIP - Custom Skinpack for Flat6

Basically it is custom skinpack for Flat6 mod. Most of the skins are from 2013 PMSC season, but not all.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hi mates,

Few days ago I took some new challenges to improve my skills and also trying improve tracks and vehicles in rFactor.. In first challenge I will try to add SRPL Shaders made by Krzysztof on track, using those shaders on vehicle I've already manage and it's pretty simple.
But with tracks it's whole different subject to do,.. but to the business then:

below you can see my first steps adding / applying new track surface and sky to Toban Raceway Park.